GameDevHQ Crash Course Day#6 Starting to look like a real game

Jason Dixon
2 min readMar 18, 2021


demo of currently playable

A roughly complete gameplay loop up and running! Systems are looking good.

Beginning 2D space Shooter-Animation

Going through and adding a bunch of animations to the shield pick up, adding thrusters to the player and also adding on hit player effects with some animation happening. To start with with are using Unitys inbuilt animator to make these animation, when you do so it also makes an animator to control the animation, you can then build on this animator and add multiple different animations for different states , IE a left and right animation, a jump animation all sorts of cool things, but today just making simple 1 state animations.

KeyFrame Animation

First things first we need to make sure all the different keyframes look correct and the animation is the speed we want(don’t want the animation playing at the speed of light now!)


Next is making sure that for this case it is the animation that plays as soon as the game object is called.


Lastly in this case make sure it is looping as for the shield it will be lasting (hopefully)on the player for a while so having it animate once then stopping is not what we want.

in the shield case we once we attach the animation to the object we are using we are done, as you can see in the base gif we have a working animating shield!



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