GameDevHQ Crash Course #14 Now for some polish

Jason Dixon
Mar 23, 2021


Beginning 2D space Shooter-Extra features -Boosters

So we have a game that has a game play loop complete, lets add some extras.

First lets add some thrusters to our player.

Now we are moving through some space. Also added a UI element to show how much booster is left, I have it set to 15 seconds of boosters, with when hitting 0

It turns grey, is unusable until it fully recharges, however if the player doesn’t deplete their entire booster it recharges.

Now lets add an ammo system to limit base ammo and a way to restore that ammo

This is the UI with ammo count + max ammo. Lets also add a ammo recharge power up.

swirling lasers, this took a minute to get right as it kept spinning around a point rather then falling while spinning.



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