GameDevHQ Crash Course #13 Build for Web and Windows
Beginning 2D space Shooter-Unity Builds
This time we are going through building a standalone running version of the space shooter, with unity it makes it pretty easy. In the main menu going to build settings you have basically a 1 button build option.
however we did do some post processing options that required us to change our color space option for the build
so going through the player settings and making sure the right color space is selected before we build it. it will take some time to recompile everything when changing color spaces or platforms, speaking of platforms.
the menu for web builds is easy enough as well, but have to make sure I had the right color space selected as well.
Look at that, our first built game.
But I have forgotten something, when doing a standalone game, especially for a full screen application, need a way for the player to leave the game.
Lets add a quick way to quit.
There we go, now when the player dies they can quit.